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Large enough for all your information, small enough to fit in your pocket.

We can supply high quality leaflets at a zillion different bespoke sizes. We can print as large as A1 (841x594mm) and folded down to as small as A7.  Do remember the old tip they used to give on Blue Peter though - the more you fold them, the harder it gets. So maybe stick to one or two folds in each direction to ensure they look neat. For complicated folds use thin paper to ensure a crisp edge. For concertina folds, you can choose a thicker card.

We offer a wide range of stocks, sizes, folding methods and try to be a flexible as possible with what you can achieve and we can print. Ex Why Zed has a forward thinking attitude to print and combined with a “Can Do” attitude we will do our best to find a solution to even the most bespoke request.

With folded leaflets it's always best to make a mock up first so you are comfortable that all the panels are in the correct place when they're folded.

Check out an example of a concertina folded leaflet

Our goal is to get your creative idea into print

Folded leaflets are incredibly versatile in their usage – everything from a self promotion portfolio to a product guide.

We can print a folded leaflet for:

• An artist portfolio
• An exhibition guide
• A tourist information leaflet
• A product brochure
• A restaurant menu
• A hand out pamphlet
• A compact user guide
• A promotional leaflet
• A takeaway leaflet or pizza menu
• An order of service
• A yearly calendar
• A Euro 2016 wallplanner
• A greeting card
• A music festival guide

Take 5 minutes to have a good look at the images featured above on this page – they are a good insight into what can be achieved!


What options can I choose?

Our market leading Indigo digital press is perfect for small quantities offering exceptional quality printing from one copy upwards. Digitally we can print leaflets up to A2 size and fold in half or concertina fold to size. Digital printing is best if you are working to a budget.

Our B1 litho press is perfect for super sizes up to 841x594mm. The set up costs on this press mean that printing 100 copies is the minimum order. An A1 leaflet could be folded down to A4.

Next up, our Meteor digital machine can print flat sizes of 297mm high by 1000mm wide making it ideal for wide leaflets that can then be concertina folded to a much smaller size.

• If you need under 100 copies then the maximum ‘A’ size we can print double sided and fold is A2.

• A1 double sided is only available on 100 copies or more.


Many paper stock and weight options

For medium and longer print runs our extensive litho department ensures you a competitive folded leaflet printing quote. Our B1 press gives us the flexibility to print larger double sided leaflets, similar to an Ordnance Survey map. This press is only really cost effective for 100 copies or more. Its smaller sister, our B2 press, is perfect for A2 folded posters and promotional leaflets. We regularly fold from A2 to A5 and again this machine is best for 100 copies or more – unfortunately printing a handful at this A1 or A2 will be expensive.

Use your imagination and come up with a folding style that challenges convetion - send us a little video and we'll see if we can do it. We can fold a large number of variables and if it’s too complicated for our machines then we might be able to finish them by hand.

Our finishing department can also laminate your leaflets on one or both sides to provide a sealed finish to your restaurant or pub menu or to make a product brochure more eye-catching.

But please allow a little leeway with the folding - paper is, after all, a natural material which works better flat than folded.

Get your print quote

Get inspired with our showcase of recent folded leaflet projects.
(Real life ones, not made up images of what a leaflet might look like)

Folded architecture leaflets

This print spec for these impressive convertina leaflets is:

210x740mm Panels.
Trimmed, creased and folded to 210x148mm.
Full colour single sided onto 170gsm Unoated.

This is a stunning use of a folded leaflet. We printed the huge length of the leaflet in multiple parts which were then joined together to achieve a length that spanned the entire exhibition building.

It is a captivating piece which formed the centre of the exhibition.

Every Building on the Old Kent Road, 2019, is on the one hand a photographic document of one of London’s iconic streets whilst on the other, a homage to Ed Ruscha and his unconventional photography of the 1960’s.

Traveling along the 1.8 miles of the Old Kent Road, at a steady speed, White took his shots at set intervals using a remote. It was as mechanical and pure as possible. Up until the editing and presenting of course!

We hope you have enjoyed looking around our website. Here are some extra reasons to trust Ex Why Zed with your next project:
Super Helpful File Set-Up Guides
We give you all the tools you need to quickly and easily prepare print ready artwork. When it is time to start artworking your final book take 5 minutes to read through our file set up guides. We have made them as user friendly as possible but if you’re stuck drop us a call or email for a quick answer.
UK & Worldwide delivery
Delivery within the UK is free. Yes, FREE! The portfolios will arrive the day after they leave us. We also deliver work around the world too and just charge the shipping at our cost price from the cheapest courier on the day.
The best customer service
We are accessible, friendly and knowledgeable. We care about your project and when you speak to us, you will reach someone who about your project and the print process.
Super fast response times.
We will get back to you within a few hours, usually quicker. Sometimes, we’ll get back to you before it even feels like you pressed “Send” on the email. Loo, we’re not sitting here twiddling our thumbs but we certainly won’t make you wait days for a response to a quote request or email.


FAQs to guide you in the final stages of your folded leaflet printing journey

If you were "just wondering" about something, well “just wonder” no more, here are the answers!

View all our FAQ's
How do I supply the artwork?

With folded leaflets, it's always best to make a mock-up first so you are comfortable that all the panels are in the correct place when they're folded.  There can be a few millimetres of movement during the printing and folding process so it's best to not produce your design with specific borders within the panels in case there is some movement and they slip over the fold.

Screen vs Paper

Will it look like it does on screen?

Unfortunately what is seen on an RGB, backlit screen is never going to be the same as it appears on paper in cmyk.  It's just impossible to achieve that and no printer could.  You will have to allow for some difference in the colours between the two mediums but having something tangible in your hands and seeing the images on paper gives the publication a charm that just sending out a pdf wont do.

How long does it take?

We will aim to deliver the finished work in 5-10 working days after receiving your print-ready artwork.   The precise length of time depends on how complex the folding is and how many copies you are going for.

If you are working to a crucial hand in deadline then we strongly advise leaving more time in case there are any artwork issues with your files or courier problems with delivery.

Additionally there can be a day or two of amends required to the artwork before it's print ready which we're more than happy to help with but you'll need to factor that in to timings.

Remember, we’ll need a hi res pdf file with 3mm bleed and crop marks on each edge to go ahead please. Sending it over correctly first time means we can go straight to print. Do have a last check through our file set up guides to make sure all the boxes are ticked.

How do I add bleed to my supply?

We will need 3mm bleed on all the edges, you'll notice at the moment that the artwork stops at the crop marks - it needs to extend 3mm beyond this to avoid any chance of a white border.

The following page includes illustrated and video guides on how to set up bleed correctly:

Setting up bleed for print.

Will the leaflet bounce open?

The more folds you have and the thicker paper you use, the more chance there is of it bouncing open.

If you have a cross fold leaflet, so for example A2 folded to A5 where it one way across then the other way, we recommend using 100gsm or 115gsm to ensure a crisp fold.

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