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Corona Diary 2 by Reuben Radding

A5 Landscape Wire Stitched Booklets
36 pages onto 170gsm silk.
Black ink throughout

Prolific Brooklyn based photographer Reuben Radding returned with another fine photographic study. In Corona Diary 2, Reuben showcases more gripping New York street scenes as Brooklyn and Manhattan battle the pandemic.

This is a winning print spec and cost-effective, simple way to get a good set of your photos into print. The self-cover option (where all the pages are printed onto the same paper weight) creates a s user-friendly, neat finished publication at a good price point.

We have felt privileged to be able to print Reuben's self-published zines and photography booklets. Shipping to New York is always fast after they leave at site in the UK so transatlantic printing is fast and efficient.

Reuben recently commented to us "Ex Why Zed have been just about the best thing from 2020". We felt very humbled.

To enjoy more of his work.

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