Exploring Winning Print Choices for Literary Magazines
We take a deeper dive into Shooter Magazine which is a great example of a bi-annual series now at issue 14.
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Choose a layout and style that you adapt and roll out each issue. This breeds familiarity within the readership and creates the branding for your journal.
Your masthead and logo will be used on the cover inside and no doubt on your website and promotional material too so give this some thought. It is the face of your work and should be representative and appropriate for the ethos and content.
Preserving the position of certain elements introduces a unity that makes it easier for you during the design process. The styling can be changed with the use of a different colour palette, icons and a hero image.
Everyone loves their 15 minutes of fame so reach out to your readers, patrons and supporters for creative writing zine submissions and cover illustrations.
Our final word of advice is to limit your exposure. Yes, you’ve got great aspirations and want to reach as many people as possible but be realistic with the print run to start with. There’s no harm in printing 100 copies then coming back for another 100 when you’ve sold out. Better to do this than ambitiously print 2000 of issue 1 and then not be able to fund issue 2 because you have excess stock and sales didn’t match expectations. Better to be a hare than a rabbit. Unless you’re a rabbit then, no offence intended - you keep doing YOU.