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Graphic Design for Perfect Bound books

In this showcase snippet video, we flag up a few potential issues to consider when you come to create artwork for a perfect bound book. This particular publication is a photobook but the same principles apply to children’s books, FMPs and all self-published work.

The three key factors to consider in your perfect bound book design are:

• The cover hinges hides 7mm of the inside front cover, first text page, last text and inside back cover.

• Avoid the placement of details in the central gutter finally

• consider whether the spine is deep enough to include any text. #printing #graphicdesign #selfpublishing

A Must Watch Video for Black and White Print Jobs

If you are a photographer or designer looking to print a book featuring black and white, monochrome images then this is a crucial video for you to watch, absorb and act on.

It can be extremely hard to effectively print black-and-white images in digital print. Thankfully, this isn't our first rodeo so we take a deep dive into how to get around this and why it is so difficult.

This is an issue that you will encounter at every printer but at Ex Why Zed we are keen to point it out and help before going ahead.

#printing #photography #selfpublishing

Ah, that dreaded moment when your printer asks for bleed but you have no idea what they mean or how to set it up.

If you have not printed anything before or set a file up for print then we understand 'bleed' will be a completely alien concept.

Well, congratulations, you've found the video guide and the printer that will help you do it.

Enjoy our video guide then jump on our Project Builder or get in touch with us on hello@exwhyzed.com for a print quote and to discuss your upcoming project.

In this mammoth, feature-length video, we give you a wealth of information, ideas and insight to make this guide the perfect companion during your course's catalogue planning meetings.

We show you the almost infinite options for binding, paper types, sizes and for creating a boundary-pushing, eye-catching front cover.

Additionally, there are numerous deep dive sections to highlight specific aspects of designing and styling the catalogue including a look at our top three catalogues of all time and what made them work so well.

The printed paper is stacked in many sheets and our guillotine trims off the bleed and excess white paper. The sheet is then turned and the same process is completed on all four edges leaving the sheet the actual size of your finished book.

Yes, this is the video you have been looking for! We will help you prepare your artwork for print including the troublesome '3mm bleed' you keep getting asked to add.

ยฉ2025 Ex Why Zed Ltd. All Rights Reserved | A polite suggestion to the rest of the print industry - why not use some brain power and creativity to write your own content rather than copying ours again?Catchfish Online