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Standard Paper Sizes

A6 148x105mmpapersizesOrientation
A5 210x148mm
A4 297x210mm
A3 420x297mm
A2 594x420mm
A1 841x594mm
A0 1189x841mm



Square sizes that fit our presses


Business Cards


Compliment Slips


Want your publication to stand out?

If you are looking for something a bit different between A5 and A4 then why not try 270x210mm, 245x200mm or 235x180mm. Get out the old ruler, have a measure up and see what might work for you.

Looking for a print run of 700 copies+?

Great, we'll litho print your work and 240x168mm is a very cost effective bespoke size between A5 and A4 that fits perfectly on our litho presses. It costs fractionally more than A5 but is a lot less than A4.

What size is my favourite magazine?

Maybe you're looking to replicate something you've seen on the shelves? Here is a list of the sizes of some magazines that your eyes may have enjoyed:
Harpers Bazaar 290x215mm
Monocle 265x200mm
Monocle Forecast 235x180mm
Kinfolk 275x215mm
Little White Lies 245x200mm
So Young 250x176mm (Issue 12 onwards)
So Young A5 (up to Issue 10)

We can print all of these sizes cost effectively from one copy upwards.

Creative Review is 248x248mm which has to be printed onto one of our larger presses and will sting a bit if you're printing a few copies (up to 700). Best to reduce the same down to 210x210mm.

In addition, if you are going for a longer print run, 700 copies or more, then how about 280x220mm which is the size of Grand Designs, Living Etc, Vogue and Elle Decoration. [COST SAVING TIP] If you are printing just a handful of copies then reducing the width to 280x210mm will make your publication similar to these great magazines, but also significantly more friendly on your budget.

Printing landscape books and booklets

When you open up a landscape book the width of the spread is a lot wider than it is on a portrait book. This is great for showing landscape photography and wider content but does mean your publication will have to be printed on one of our larger presses which has higher set up costs.  We can print up to A3 landscape (297mm high and 420mm wide) plus all bespoke sizes up to that size. [COST SAVING TIP] If you are working to a tight budget then make your project more cost effective and stick to A5 Landscape or within A4 Portrait. Both of these options can go onto our top of the range Indigo digital machine works out far cheaper.

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