The year 2021 saw increased demand among consumers for physical books. However, the climate surrounding the pandemic also resulted in a shortage in their supply. While some authors chose to commission a short run of hardcover book printing to fill the supply gap, shipping issues also impacted the time it took for the products to […]
Custom notebooks can promote your business and provide your customers with somethingto use and remember you by. If you want to run a campaign to increase brand recall,notebooks may prove an excellent investment. Hardback notebook printing companies likeEx Why Zed can provide you with various options that will fit your vision and budget.Hardback book printing […]
Before the prevalence of digital printing, the only option for printing hardback books was by ordering them in large quantities, or large runs. The use of resources between short runs and large runs was just not as economical, with short-run hardback book printing costing more money per book on average. Suffice to say, hardback book […]
Self-publishing is a challenging endeavour because of the amount of work one needs to put in to achieve success. Despite this, artists in many fields are turning to self-publishing as a means to promote their work. Booklet printing services nowadays offer plenty of support for those who are looking to make their work more visible […]
Hardcover book printing is a common choice for a lot of people, especially if they’re going after quality and longevity. However, hardback book printing is priced differently compared to paperback printing. That’s because there are a lot of factors to consider in terms of cost. On average, hardcover book printing in the UK can cost […]
Publishing has been rapidly evolving over the years. Half a decade ago, people thought it would be phased out and replaced entirely by e-books. However, traditional publishing methods such as softback and hardback book printing in the UK remain resilient to this day. Softback and hardback book printing have continued to evolve, and many different […]
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